Tis the season for Writer's Conferences! Every year about this time writers all over the world are gearing up to attend one or even a series of conferences dedicated to writers, writing, and the business of writing. Some conferences are huge affairs featuring a grand multitude of speakers, booths, classes, vendors, and fellow writers. These big conferences, usually located in cities like New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, etc., can be intimidating to attend for a first-time or beginning writer. A big conference that attracts big crowds can seem like the superstore where you mostly just wander around trying to navigate on your own, or where you look around in frustration hoping to find someone to help you. I've met quite a few new writers that attended a big writer's conference and came away feeling a little lost, and maybe even a little rejected. A new writer that is used to working alone on a project with a little soft music playing in the background can be easily overwhelmed by the orgiastic literary event that a large writer's conference can become. Does this mean that big writer's conferences are bad? Oh, heck no! I've personally gone to big writer's conferences where I left feeling re-energized, inspired, and where I even learned a thing or three. I got to meet some of my literary heroes, hung out with like-minded, talented people, and was even able to pitch my work to an agent. I had a great time and brought back ideas and goodies that I was able to use in my writing.
So why am I trying to dissuade you from attending a writer's conference? No, what I'm trying to point out or suggest is that, for the beginning writer, maybe forgoing the larger, flashier writer's conferences for one of the smaller, cozier, less frenetic ones might be a good idea. There are a lot of conferences that are quieter, more intimate, and much easier to handle. These smaller conferences can be found in the big cities too, but are also often found in quaint small towns, charming villages, libraries, schools, or even historic old mansions. Now, while these conferences may be smaller in terms of attendants, speakers, etc., they are no less energizing, inspiring, or helpful to your career as a writer. In fact, many established writers actually prefer the smaller venues to the larger ones, enjoying the more laid back atmosphere and the opportunity to interact more closely with fellow writers.
Either way, there are some things to expect at most writer's conferences regardless of size. Writer's conferences almost always have guest speakers that range from famous and wildly popular writers, to literary agents, publishers, and other people in the literary field. The larger conferences often feature vendors that will sell you (or giveaway!) items from t-shirts to writing software. Conferences may have classes about different aspects of writing, marketing, or business-tips geared specifically for writers. There are also conferences that prepare you to, and arrange for you to, pitch a manuscript to an agent or publisher. A harrowing but fun experience!
So, before you actually attend a writer's conference, I strongly suggest that you do your research and prepare yourself well beforehand so that you may have the best experience possible. Here's what you need to do:
1. Visit their website. Gather as much information as you can.
2. Make sure it's the right conference for you. If you write romances, don't go to a horror writer's conference.
3. Download maps and directions.
4. Download and go over the conference itineraries, especially if you're going to one of the larger conferences. This way you have a pretty good idea of where to go to see or experience the people and/or events that are the most meaningful for you.
5. Pack some business cards... hey, you never know!
6. Be sure to bring your phone and a charger.
7. Pack a bottle of water and some snacks. All that walking around can make you thirsty. Some conferences have vendors that will sell you (or giveaway!) bottled water, but it's better safe than sorry.
8. Bring a pen (make sure it works!)
9. Bring some extra money. Some of your fellow writers may want to hang out after the conference and drinks are expensive!
10. Bring your "A" game! Be polite, patient, respectful, positive, confident, and informed. You don't want to turn off the very same people that may be able to help your career!
All that being said, you should attend at least one conference in your lifetime, if only to bask in the creative energy of so many talented and like-minded souls. By the way, below you'll find a list of writer's conferences for 2018. It's not a complete list, but maybe it will help to get you started.
14th Annual Eckerd College Writers' Conference: Writers in Paradise
January 13, 2018
14th annual Mayborn Literary Conference, July 20-22, 2018
July 20, 2018
2018 Agents & Editors Conference / Writers' League of Texas / Austin, TX
June 29, 2018
2018 BookBaby Independent Authors Conference
November 2, 2018
2018 Summer Writing Program :: The Capitalocene :: Naropa University
June 10, 2018
2018 Writing By Writers Fall Manuscript Boot Camp
November 9, 2018
2018 Writing By Writers Tomales Bay Workshop
October 17, 2018
2019 ASLE Biennial Conference
June 25, 2019
26th Annual Winter Poetry & Prose Getaway
New Jersey
January 18, 2019
30th Summer Fishtrap Gathering of Writers
July 10, 2017
Algonkian Writer Conferences
New York
Year Round
Antioch Writers' Workshop at University of Dayton--Summer Program
July 14, 2018
AWP Annual Conference & Bookfair
March 7, 2018
Boldface Conference for Emerging Writers
May 21, 2018
Chesapeake Writers' Conference at St. Mary's College of Maryland
June 24, 2018
Dallas-Fort Worth Writers Conference (DFWCon)
June 9, 2018
David R. Collins Writers' Conference
June 28, 2018
Elephant Rock Retreats for Writing & Yoga
Year Round
Furious Flower Collegiate Summit: Poetry Without Boundaries
March 22, 2018
Hampton Roads Writers Tenth Annual Writers' Conference
Year Round
Highlights Foundation Workshops
Year Round
Indiana University Writers' Conference 2018
June 2, 2018
Iota: Short Prose Conference
August 15, 2018
IWWG 41st Annual Summer Conference
July 6, 2018
Juniper Institute for Young Writers
July 22, 2018
Juniper Summer Writing Institute
June 17, 2018
Kachemak Bay Writers' Conference
June 8, 2018
Kauai Writers Conference
November 5, 2018
Kentucky Women Writers Conference Inc.
September 13, 2018
Kenyon Review Writers' Workshops
Year Round
Key West Literary Seminar and Writers' Workshop Program
January 10, 2019
Longleaf Writers' Conference @ Seaside, Florida (formerly Seaside WC)
May 13, 2018
Memoir in a Year-2017
Year Round
Mendocino Coast Publishing Boot Camp
August 5, 2018
Mendocino Coast Writers' Conference (MCWC)
August 2, 2018
Midwest Fiction Writers Workshops
Year Round
Minnesota Northwoods Writers Conference
June 18, 2018
Napa Valley Writers' Conference
July 29, 2018
NCWN Squire Summer Writing Workshops
North Carolina
July 19, 2018
New York State Summer Writers Institute
New York
July 2, 2018
Nonfiction Authors Association Free Teleseminars
Year Round
North Carolina Writers' Network Fall Conference
North Carolina
November 3, 2017
North Words Writers Symposium
May 30, 2018
Odyssey Writing Workshop
New Hampshire
June 4, 2018
Pacific MFA in Writing | Residency Writers Conference
Year Round
Pennsylvania Writers Conference (PWC)
July 29, 2018
Postgraduate Writers' Conference
August 13, 2018
Publishing Workshop
New Jersey
March 2, 2019
San Francisco Writers Conference & Pre/Post Classes
February 15, 2018
Sewanee Writers' Conference
July 17, 2018
Steel Pen Annual Writers' Conference
October 27, 2018
Summer Retreat at Ragdale
July 20, 2018
The Creativity Workshop in New York
New York
Year Round
The Frost Place Conference on Poetry
New Hampshire
July 8, 2018
The Frost Place Conference on Poetry and Teaching
New Hampshire
June 23, 2018
The Frost Place Poetry Seminar
New Hampshire
July 29, 2018
The Frost Place Writing Intensive
New Hampshire
June 27, 2018
The Loft's Pitch Conference
April 20, 2018
The Writer's Hotel 2018 NYC Writers Conference
New York
June 6, 2018
Tinker Mountain Writers
June 10, 2018
University of New Mexico Rananim Online Writing Workshops
New Mexico
October 2, 2017
University of North Dakota Writers Conference
North Dakota
March 21, 2018
Unworkshops: Your Room to Create
Year Round
Washington Island Literary Festival
September 13, 2018
Washington Writers Conference
May 4, 2018
Wesleyan Writers Conference
June 13, 2018
Western Reserve Writers' Conference
April 28, 2018
Willamette Writers 2018 Conference
August 2, 2018
Writers at Work 2018 Writing Retreat
June 6, 2018
Writers at Work Annual Writing Competition
November 15, 2017
Writers Studio at UCLA Extension
February 8, 2018
Writers Week at Idyllwild Arts Summer Program
Year Round
Writing from the Inside Out: Getting to the Gut of Your Words with Laura Munson at Madeline Island School of the Arts (MISA)
July 16, 2018
I know that the dates for some of these may have passed already, but if you're really interested in attending that particular conference, Google them and if they have a website they'll probably have information concerning the time and date of their next conference. Good luck and enjoy!