Friday, August 17, 2018

To Free or not to Free?

(Reprinted from 1 year ago)

It is apparently the nature of humankind to try and obtain the coveted, but ever elusive, freebie. Oh, you know what I'm talking about. It turns out that if you're a person with a skill (doctor, lawyer, plumber, artist, writer, etc.), folks want you to share what you know ...for free (or close to it!).
  I've been guilty of it in the past, and just chalked it up to me getting some helpful tips... which they were. But some folks don't know when to quit and insist on more than mere tips. If you crochet, they want full-blown lessons and even free yarn. If you write, they want free critiques, editing services, or even your *ahem* help in writing their book or novel.
  So what do you do? That's entirely up to you, there's nothing wrong with sharing some knowledge or passing along some helpful hints. But there is something wrong with being taken advantage of. Your hard-earned skillset, whatever it is, deserves to be acknowledged and rewarded. The same way you wouldn't expect a car mechanic to fix your car for free (unless you got the hook-up), is the same way that folks shouldn't expect you to speak, critique, edit, write, or teach without some sort of honorarium or financial remuneration. The late and venerable poet, Louis Reyes Rivera of the National Writers Union, was a strong and outspoken proponent of this. Unfortunately many uninformed people consider those of us that work in the arts to be indulging in hobbies rather than actual "work", so they don't understand why we'd like to get paid.
  Ultimately it's your decision of course, but I'd urge you not to sell yourself, or your art, short.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Editing and Reviewing Services

Latino Authors & Writers Society
Are you working on your latest short story, novel, novella, or non-fiction book? You may want to have it edited and proofread before shipping it off to that agent or publisher!  Or maybe your work has already been published and you'd like an honest review that you can post onto your website or on social media.  Or maybe you can use some help with some basic promotion and marketing.  Well the Latino Authors & Writers Society, an organization dedicated to Latino Literature and literacy, will soon be offering these important services at reasonable prices!  Other companies, agencies & organizations may charge THOUSANDS of dollars for their services, while we provide those same services at prices much more affordable to the beginning, aspiring, or struggling writer (with a special understanding and appreciation for the works of POC). Of course, veteran writers can take advantage of these very reasonable prices as well!
1. Editing for Fiction (novels, novellas) - Flat rate of $150.00 for up to 74,000 words, with an additional 5-cents per word after the initial 74,000.
2. Editing for Non-Fiction (Memoirs, Religious, etc.) - Flat rate of $400.00 for up to 80,000 words, with an additional 5-cents per word after the initial 80,000. 
3. Editing for Short Stories (any genre) - Flat rate of $20.00 for up to 3,000 words, with an additional 5-cents per word after the initial 3,000.
4. Book Reviews (any genre) - Flat rate of $40.00 for works of up to 74,000 words, with an additional 5-cents per word after the initial 74,000.
5. Marketing & Promotion (any genre) - Flat rate of $200.00.
Please check out the traditional businesses that offer these services first, and then make up your mind.  We look forward to working with you!

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Who inspired you?

Quite often, at various writing events that I have attended, someone will ask me what inspires or inspired me to write.  My answer is always the same: my parents.

I know that plenty of other writers may find this answer kind of corny, but it's the truth.  I was always somewhat eccentric when I was a kid, if you call having a lot of very varied interests "eccentric."  I read everything that I could get my hands on, built models (usually of the Universal monsters, animals, or scientific subjects), studied most of the sciences (I even had a lab in my parent's basement), practiced boxing and the martial arts, played baseball, I also kept a menagerie in my home that consisted of all sorts of reptiles, amphibians, and birds. And I still found the time and the wherewithal to write.

Throughout all this, my parents always encouraged me and never put me or my ideas down.  When the encyclopedia salesman came to our door, even though money was scarce, they bought me the entire set. I read the whole thing, including the bonus dictionary, that summer.  My father built me a huge terrarium out of 2X4's and Plexiglas to house my burgeoning collection of reptiles. And when some neighborhood kids brought a sick seagull to my house in the hopes that I could nurse it back to health (which I did), my mother didn't say no.

And so it was that through all of the problems regular folks go through like bills, health concerns, etc., my parents still found the strength and patience to encourage me, and thus to inspire me.  I learned more from observing my parent's strength, positivity, support for their kids, hard work ethic, and love, than I ever learned from any books.  I was inspired to be patient, loving, strong, and hard-working. These things in turn inspired me to write, and it's no coincidence that my first published work was titled, "My Mother: Superstar!"  My father and I used to visit used bookstores where I'd buy books and comics, and this inspired me to write a guest column for D.C. comics where I extolled the benefits of reading comicbooks.

So, it was my parents and their truly unconditional love that inspired me most to put pen to paper and share parts of my life with the world.  My mom passed away a few years ago, and took a huge part of my heart with her. I will always miss and treasure her.  My father is still here, and we try to make it to his favorite restaurant, IHOP, about once a month.  His resilience at having lost his best friend is another source of inspiration to me.

Thanks mom. Thanks pop. For inspiring me to live. Love. Write.

So fellow writers, who or what inspired you to write?